The Digested Guide to ASMS 2019
Many of Genovis’ customers have submitted abstracts for ASMS 2019 in Atlanta, in which the SmartEnzymes have been used. Below is a digested guide to these abstracts so that you can plan your days at ASMS.
To read the full poster abstracts, visit the Online Planner for ASMS, and paste the abstract titel in the search field.
Sunday, June 2
New Enzymatic Workflows for Analysis of O-Glycosylated Biopharmaceuticals
Andreas Nägeli
Thermo Fisher Scientific User Meeting
Pharma/BioPharma Breakout Session 9:30 AM – 12.15 PM
Marquis Ballroom C
Monday, June 3
Improved middle-down characterization of antibodies using multiple ion activation techniques and Proton Transfer Reaction on a modified Orbitrap mass spectrometer
Romain Huguet
MP 676, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Direct Determination of Antibody Chain Pairing by Top-Down Mass Spectrometry using Electron Capture Dissociation and Ultraviolet Photodissociation
Jared Shaw
Room B302-305, Oral Presentation 3.50 PM – 4.10 PM
Unraveling a complex immunoprotein profile in multiple myeloma with middle-down de novo sequencing and native mass spectrometry
Valerie J Winton
Room A411-412, Oral Presentation 9.30 AM – 9.50 AM
Middle Down Approach for the Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies After Ides Digestion and ETD Fragmentation
Colin Wynne
MP 782, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Tuesday, June 4
Analysis of Zika Viral Polyprotein N- and O-glycosylation Using a Novel Lectin-chemoenzymatic Enrichment
Shuang Yang
TP 655, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Comprehensive Characterization of Antibody Drug Conjugates Enabled by Top-down and Middle-down Mass Spectrometry Strategies
Eli J Larson
TP 601, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
GlycINATOR®, FabRICATOR® and GingisKHAN®
Wednesday, June 5
Analysis of O-glycosylated Biopharmaceuticals using an O-glycan dependent Endoprotease and LC-MS
Andreas Nägeli
WP 334, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
MALDI-in-source decay FT-ICR MS for top-down and middle-down characterization of monoclonal antibodies
Simone Nicolardi
WP 032, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Application of a label-free and domain-specific free thiol method in monoclonal antibody characterization
Yi Pu
WP 040, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Collision induced unfolding experiments to decipher the structural regions of a hybrid monoclonal antibody
Thomas Botzanowski
WP 481, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Thursday, June 6
Intact and Subunit Mass Analysis Using Native Ion Exchange Chromatography Coupled to an Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Qian Liu
ThP 663, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Ultra-Fast Analysis of Intact Proteins Using SPE- TOF
Kevin McCann
ThP 149, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM
Isomeric linkage determination of Sialic acid on O-glycopeptides using O-protease and LC-MS/MS
Jieqiang Zhong
ThP 071, Poster Session 10.30 AM – 2.30 PM