NEW SmartEnzymes – Launching FucosEXO!

Genovis launches FucosEXO, an α-fucosidase mix for efficient removal of α1-2, α1-3 and α1-4 linked Fucose on native N- and O-glycosylated proteins. 


Analysis of glycoproteins modified with complex glycan structures can be challenging and requires efficient and specific enzymatic tools. FucosEXO is a mix of α-fucosidases for efficient hydrolysis of α1-2, α1-3 and α1-4 linked fucose residues on N- and O-glycoproteins or oligosaccharides, without the need for co-factors or additives.




We have tested FucosEXO on a number of glycoengineered TNFR proteins carrying up to 11 O-glycans decorated with fucose in different linkages, comparing the activity to other commercially available fucosidases. FucosEXO is able to defucosylate the heavily glycosylated TNFR proteins within 1 hour, while treatment with other fucosidases only led to partial removal of fucose or no removal at all.


Learn more about FucosEXO for defucosylation of native glycoproteins.





FucosEXO enzyme – Lyophilized enzyme for removal of α1-2, α1-3 and α1-4 linked fucose from 2 mg glycoprotein.


Immobilized FucosEXO – Immobilized enzyme for removal of α1-2, α1-3 and α1-4 linked fucose from 0.5 mg glycoprotein.