FabRICATOR® (IdeS) Below hinge digestion of IgG
FabALACTICA® (IgdE) Above hinge digestion of human IgG1
FabDELLO™ Above hinge digestion of human IgG1
FabRICATOR® Xtra Below hinge digestion of mutated IgG
FabRICATOR® Z (IdeZ) Below hinge digestion of mouse IgG
GingisKHAN® (Kgp) Above hinge digestion of human IgG1
FabULOUS™ (SpeB) Above hinge digestion of IgG
IgASAP™ Digestion of IgA
IgMBRAZOR™ Digestion of IgM
GlySERIAS™ Hydrolysis of Flexible Linkers
GlyCLICK® Site-specific conjugation of IgG
TransGLYCIT™ Transglycosylation of IgG
GingisREX® (RgpB) Arginine-specific protein digestion
OmniGLYZOR™ Hydrolysis of N- and mucin-type O-glycans
PNGase F Hydrolysis of N-glycans
OpeRATOR® O-glycan-specific protein digestion
ImpaRATOR™ O-glycan-specific protein digestion
OglyZOR® Hydrolysis of core 1 O-glycans
SialEXO® Hydrolysis of sialic acids
FucosEXO™ Hydrolysis of α1-2,3,4 fucose
GalactEXO™ Hydrolysis of β1-3,4 galactose
GalNAcEXO™ Hydrolysis of α-linked GalNAcs
GlycOCATCH® Enrichment of O-glycopeptides
GlycINATOR® (EndoS2) Hydrolysis of all Fc N-glycans
IgGZERO® (EndoS) Hydrolysis of Fc N-glycans
Anti-FabRICATOR® Detection of the FabRICATOR® enzyme
Anti-FabRICATOR® Z Detection of the FabRICATOR® Z enzyme
Novel Enzymatic Tools for Middle-level Analysis of Therapeutic mAbs with Hinge Mutations and Other New Modalities
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