SmartEnzymes GalNAcEXO workflow

Hydrolysis of α-linked GalNAcs

GalNAcEXO is an α-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase for efficient hydrolysis of terminal GalNAc residues on glycoproteins.

GalNAcs linked to serine or threonine, referred to as Tn antigen, are quickly and efficiently hydrolyzed by GalNAcEXO, and the enzyme also displays activity on α1-3-linked terminal GalNAcs.

The enzyme is a valuable tool that reduces sample heterogeneity for the analysis of complex O-glycoproteins that carry α-linked GalNAc residues as immature truncated core 1.

  • Highly efficient α-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase – fast and complete removal of Tn-antigen and α1-3-linked GalNAc
  • Enables complete glycan removal for improved protein characterization
  • Available immobilized in ready-to-use spin columns
α-linked GalNAc residues on O-glycoproteins
Tn antigen and α1-3-linked terminal GalNAc
4 h reaction
No need for co-factors

GalNAcEXO Lyophilized

Lyophilized enzyme for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues

GalNAcEXO Immobilized

Immobilized enzyme for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues in spin columns

About GalNAcEXO

GalNAcEXO workflow

GalNAcEXO is an  exo-α-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase for efficient hydrolysis of α-N-Acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) linked to serine or threonine residues in glycoproteins (Tn antigen). The enzyme also displays activity on α1-3-linked terminal GalNAc.

GalNAcEXO hydrolyzes GalNAc on glycoproteins under native conditions and is highly active in the pH range 6.0 to 7.6. No co-factors or special buffers are required. The enzyme in GalNAcEXO is derived from Akkermansia muciniphila, expressed in  E. coli with a His-tag, and has a molecular weight of 52 kDa.

GalNAcEXO Lyophilized

Lyophilized enzyme for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues on glycoproteins.

GalNAcEXO Lyophilized is available as a lyophilized powder in 2000 unit vials for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues on 2 mg glycoprotein.

  • Flexible format for method development
  • Possible to combine enzymes for improved efficiency
  • Amenable to automated workflows
  • Ready to use – just add water!

Available Products

GalNAcEXO Lyophilized 2000 unitsLyophilized enzyme for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues on 2 mg glycoproteinG1-NA1-020987.00Buy / Request a Quote

For information on how to order, visit Place an Order or contact us directly at

Unit Definition

One unit of GalNAcEXO Lyophilized catalyzes the hydrolysis of α-linked GalNAc residues from ≥ 95% of 2 nmol 4-Nitrophenyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galactopyranoside when incubated in 20 mM Tris, 1 % ethanol pH 6.8 at 37°C for 30 minutes, as monitored by reversed-phase chromatography.

Content and Storage

GalNAcEXO Lyophilized is reconstituted by addition of water. No preservatives added. After reconstitution, GalNAcEXO Lyophilized is stable for 1 month at +4-8°C. The product is shipped cold and should be stored at -20°C upon arrival.


Product Specification

Safety Data Sheet

Certificate of Analysis

GalNAcEXO Immobilized

Immobilized enzyme for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues on glycoproteins in spin columns.

The GalNAcEXO Immobilized spin columns contain GalNAcEXO enzyme covalently coupled to agarose beads, for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues on glycoproteins without contaminating the final preparation with enzyme.

The Microspin columns are available for hydrolysis of 5 or 10 x 0.5 mg glycoprotein.


  • Easy-to-use spin columns
  • Increased enzyme-to-substrate ratio for improved digestion efficiency
  • No enzyme in the final sample

Available Products

GalNAcEXO Immobilized Microspin 5 x 0.5 mgImmobilized enzyme for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues on 5 x 0.5 mg glycoprotein in spin columnsG1-NA6-0251,048.00Buy / Request a Quote
GalNAcEXO Immobilized Microspin 10 x 0.5 mgImmobilized enzyme for hydrolysis of GalNAc residues on 10 x 0.5 mg glycoprotein in spin columnsG1-NA6-0501,710.00Buy / Request a Quote

For information on how to order, visit Place an Order or contact us directly at


0.1 ml of settled GalNAcEXO Immobilized agarose resin catalyzes the hydrolysis of α-linked GalNAc residues from ≥ 95% of 5.5 µmol 4-Nitrophenyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-a-D-galactopyranoside when incubated in 20 mM Tris, 10 % ethanol pH 6.8 for 5 minutes at room temperature. 

One Microspin column contains sufficient GalNAcEXO-coupled agarose beads to hydrolyze α-linked GalNAc residues on 0.5 mg glycoprotein.

Content and Storage

GalNAcEXO Immobilized is supplied in 20% ethanol, shipped cold, and should be stored at +4-8°C upon arrival. Do not freeze the product!


Product Specification

Safety Data Sheet

Certificate of Analysis

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