SmartEnzymes FabALACTICA workflow

Above Hinge Digestion of Human IgG1

FabALACTICA (IgdE) is a cysteine protease that digests human IgG1 at a specific site above the hinge, generating intact and homogenous Fab and Fc fragments.

The enzyme facilitates the characterization of bi- and multispecific antibodies and analyses of intact and paired Fc glycosylation. It also simplifies the study of monovalent binding, higher order structures, disulfide scrambling and antibodies with mutated hinge regions.

  • Specific - one digestion site above the hinge of human IgG1
  • Generates homogeneous Fab and Fc fragments with preserved immunoreactivity
  • Middle-level characterization of human IgG1
  • Available immobilized in ready-to-use spin columns
Human IgG1
O/N (16-18 hr) reaction
No need for reducing agents or co-factors
KSCDKT / HTCPPCP (above the hinge)

FabALACTICA® Lyophilized

Lyophilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of human IgG1

FabALACTICA® Immobilized

Immobilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of human IgG1 in spin columns


Immobilized enzyme and affinity resin for above hinge digestion of human IgG1 and purification of Fab fragments


FabALACTICA workflow

FabALACTICA is a cysteine protease that digests human IgG1 at one specific site above the hinge (KSCDKT / HTCPPC), generating intact Fab and Fc fragments.

The name of the enzyme is derived from the pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae, where it was first discovered (Spoerry et al., 2016). The enzyme is active at pH from 6-8 and does not require reducing conditions or co-factors for activity.

FabALACTICA is recombinantly expressed in E. coli, contains a His-tag, and the molecular weight is 70 019 Da.

Spoerry, C. et al., 2016. Novel IgG-Degrading Enzymes of the IgdE Protease Family Link Substrate Specificity to Host Tropism of Streptococcus Species. PloS one, 11(10), p.e0164809.

FabALACTICA® Lyophilized

Lyophilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of human IgG1.
FabALACTICA Lyophilized is available as a lyophilized powder in 2000 unit vials for digestion of 2 mg human IgG1.

  • Flexible format for method development
  • Possible to combine enzymes for improved efficiency
  • Amenable to automated workflows
  • Ready to use – just add water!

Available Products

FabALACTICA Lyophilized 2000 unitsLyophilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of 2 mg human IgG1A0-AG1-020747.00Buy / Request a Quote

For information on how to order, visit Place an Order or contact us directly at

FabALACTICA Lyophilized Citations

Unit Definition

One unit digests ≥ 90% of 1 μg human IgG1, when incubated in 150 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0 at 37°C overnight (16-18 h).

Content and Storage

FabALACTICA Lyophilized is reconstituted by addition of water. No preservatives added. After reconstitution, the enzyme is stable for 1 month at +4-8°C. The product is shipped at ambient temperature, and should be stored at -20°C upon arrival.

Product Specifications

Safety Data Sheet

Certificate of Analysis

FabALACTICA® Immobilized

Immobilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of human IgG1 in spin columns.
The FabALACTICA Immobilized spin columns contain FabALACTICA enzyme covalently coupled to agarose beads, for digestion of human IgG1 without contaminating the final preparation with enzyme.
The spin columns are available for digestion of up to 0.5 mg (Microspin), 10 mg (Midispin) or 100 mg (Maxispin) human IgG1. The smallest columns are available in two different pack sizes, with 2 or 10 columns per pack.

  • Easy-to-use spin columns
  • Increased enzyme-to-substrate ratio for improved digestion efficiency
  • No enzyme in the final sample

Available Products

FabALACTICA Immobilized Microspin 2 x 0.5 mgImmobilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of 2 x 0.5 mg human IgG1 in spin columnsA0-AG6-010506.00Buy / Request a Quote
FabALACTICA Immobilized Microspin 10 x 0.5 mgImmobilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of 10 x 0.5 mg human IgG1 in spin columnsA0-AG6-0501,818.00Buy / Request a Quote
FabALACTICA Immobilized Midispin 5-10 mgImmobilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of 5-10 mg human IgG1 in spin columnsA0-AG6-1001,527.00Buy / Request a Quote
FabALACTICA Immobilized Maxispin 50-100 mgImmobilized enzyme for above hinge digestion of 50-100 mg human IgG1 in spin columnsA0-AG6-10004,562.00Buy / Request a Quote

For information on how to order, visit Place an Order or contact us directly at

FabALACTICA Immobilized Citations

Unit Definition

One spin column contains sufficient FabALACTICA-coupled agarose beads to digest 0.5 mg (Microspin), 10 mg (Midispin), or 100 mg (Maxispin) human IgG1.

Content and Storage

FabALACTICA Immobilized is supplied in 20% ethanol, shipped cold, and should be stored at +4-8°C upon arrival. Do not freeze the product!


Immobilized enzyme and affinity resin for above hinge digestion of human IgG1 and purification of Fab fragments
FabALACTICA Fab Kit consists of spin columns of FabALACTICA Immobilized for antibody digestion, and spin columns of CaptureSelect™* Fc resin for purification of the Fab fragments. One spin column contains sufficient FabALACTICA-coupled agarose beads to process 0.5 mg (Microspin), 10 mg (Midispin), or 100 mg (Maxispin) human IgG1.

  • Purification of homogeneous Fab fragments from human IgG1
  • Reliable workflow for preparative applications
  • Enables chain pairing characterization of bispecific antibodies

Available Products

FabALACTICA Fab Kit Microspin 0.5 mgImmobilized enzyme and affinity resin for above hinge digestion of 0.5 mg human IgG1 and purification of fragmentsA2-AFK-005578.00Buy / Request a Quote
FabALACTICA Fab kit Microspin 5 x 0.5 mgImmobilized enzyme and affinity resin for above hinge digestion of 5 x 0.5 mg human IgG1 and purification of fragmentsA2-AFK-0251,527.00Buy / Request a Quote
FabALACTICA Fab Kit Midispin 10 mgImmobilized enzyme and affinity resin for above hinge digestion of 10 mg human IgG1 and purification of fragmentsA2-AFK-1001,878.00Buy / Request a Quote
FabALACTICA Fab Kit Maxispin 100 mgImmobilized enzyme and affinity resin for above hinge digestion of 100 mg human IgG1 and purification of fragmentsA2-AFK-10005,717.00Buy / Request a Quote

For information on how to order, visit Place an Order or contact us directly at

FabALACTICA Fab Kit Citations

Unit Definition

One spin column contains sufficient FabALACTICA-coupled agarose beads to digest 0.5 mg (Microspin), 10 mg (Midispin), or 100 mg (Maxispin) human IgG1.

Content and Storage

The FabALACTICA Immobilized spin columns and CaptureSelect™* spin columns are supplied in 20% ethanol, shipped cold, and should be stored at +4-8°C upon arrival. Do not freeze the products!

* Thermo Scientific™ CaptureSelect™ resin from Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Thermo Fisher and CaptureSelect are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.

FAQ and Support

Popular FAQ

It is not recommended to elute the Fc fragments from the CaptureSelect column since the fraction might also include undigested or semi digested material.

We recommend using FabALACTICA Immobilized for digesting human IgG1 and generating a final preparation free of any residual enzyme. You can also use FabALACTICA Fab kit for digestion of human IgG1 and purification of the generated Fab fragments.

No, FabALACTICA has shown very poor activity on Fc-fusion proteins.

We can only guarantee optimal digestion for one-time use. We do not have a cleaning or regeneration protocol to provide. However, depending on the antibody and the following application the column can be reused. We do not recommend using with different antibodies due to the risk for contamination of carry-over from previous sample. If column reuse is desired store the column in 10-20% ethanol at +4-8°C.

FabALACTICA does not require reducing conditions as both GingisKHAN and FabULOUS does, and allows for generation of Fab fragments from native human IgG1.


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