Articles tagged ”GingisREX”

GingisREX® in a Bottom-Up Analysis of Histones

Bottom-up mass spectrometry where the intact protein is digested into smaller peptides is an indispensable tool for proteomics and the studying of histone codes. Since histones are enriched with the basic amino acids arginine and lysine, enzymatic digestion is often challenging as peptides too short for LC retention and PTM localization are generated. In addition, the complex workflow entails that the combination of samples preparation, data acquisition and analysis provides a different image of the histone code.


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Antibody Mixtures Digested using GingisREX

The formulation of antibodies in mixtures has revealed significant clinical advantages but causes increased analytical challenges. Long-term studies of formulated antibody mixtures over time are both difficult and time consuming. An example of a post-translational modification that could occur during storage is the oxidation of tyrosine that may induce conformational changes of an antibody. Read more »